
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy - Pixie Haus

1. Data Collection

At Pixie Haus, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. When creating an account, we only collect and store your email address in our database. No additional personal data is collected without your explicit consent.

Types of Data Collected

  • Email address (collected during account creation)

2. Account Creation and Authentication

You have two options for creating an account:

  • Google Login: You can sign up and log in using your Google account credentials. No passwords are stored by Pixie Haus when using Google login.
  • Email Signup: If you choose to sign up via email, you will be required to create a password. For security reasons, all passwords are hashed before being saved in our database, ensuring they are not stored in plain text.

Email Address Usage

Your email address is linked to your account and is used for login purposes as well as for essential service functions. These functions include maintaining your history of generated and created images associated with your account.

3. Email Communication

Pixie Haus will only send emails in the following circumstances:

  • Welcome Email: Upon successful account creation, a welcome email will be sent.
  • Email Confirmation & Password Recovery: If you sign up using the email signup method, we will send you an email to confirm your address. Additionally, if needed, we will send password recovery instructions to your email.
  • Billing: We will send emails related to billing, such as invoices or payment confirmations, if applicable.

No Marketing Emails

We value your privacy and are committed to keeping your inbox free of clutter. Your email address will not be used for marketing purposes, and you will not receive promotional emails from Pixie Haus.

4. Account Deletion

You have the right to delete your account at any time. Upon deletion, all images you have created will be permanently removed from our servers, with the exception of images that you have published. In those cases, Pixie Haus will retain a copy of the published images, as users who publish images agree to grant Pixie Haus a permanent license to use and store them.

Retention of Email Addresses

If you delete your account, your email address will be retained in our records for one year. This retention is necessary to prevent abuse of our system, such as creating multiple accounts to claim bonus tokens, which are granted to new users. After the one-year period, your email address will be permanently deleted from our system.

5. Security

Pixie Haus takes the security of your personal information seriously. We implement reasonable security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. Passwords are stored in a hashed format, and all communications between you and our service are encrypted.

6. Updates to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or applicable laws. Any updates will be posted on this page, and significant changes will be communicated to you via email.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at privacy@pixie.haus.









